Versiune în română Carol Park has gone through many changes since its inauguration in 1906, including a change of name, being called Liberty Park (Parcul Libertăţii) during the communist regime, but one of the attractions that has withstood the passing of the time is the Zodiac Fountain. Located in front of the park’s main entrance, the fountain dates from 1935 when it was built for the first edition of a popular celebration called “The Bucharest Month”. “The Bucharest Month” had only six editions being held every year between May 9 and June 9 until the starting of the war in 1940. The fountain, looking like a huge footed serving bowl was designed by architect Octav Doicescu and erected by the architects August Schmiedigen and Dorin Pavel. Its name comes from the twelve mosaic representations of the zodiac signs made by scultptor Mac Constantinescu.
Aug 052009
Hi Andreea,
As a blogger myself, I really enjoy reading a good blog. Wow, your photos are wonderful. It makes me want to visit now.
I was wondering if you heard about the Guide to Cultural Attractions and Business Offices within walking distance in central Bucharest that Le Boutique Hotel Moxa provides as a service on their website.
This guide is useful for both business and pleasure since it lists the walking time to each attraction. More information is available at and is worth viewing.
I am curious to know what you think about the Guide to Cultural Attractions and Business Offices. Do you think the rest of your readers would find it interesting?
Please get back to me and let me know what you think.