Sep 082009

Versiune în română

Many of the photo blogs that I’m following, for places located in the Northern Hemisphere, had their expected “summer is over” post. After two days of rain and a drop in temperature that made me take a sweater out of storage and put away my sandals, it’s time to face the reality and write my own “summer is over” post. Even though the prognosis for Bucharest is that it will get warmer in the next few days (still rainy though) with unwilling hands I’m typing down: autumn has arrived. From now on until late March we would cheer if we get a sunny day. Kids will start school at the beginning of next week and the flu will start roaming the streets of Bucharest. The summer terraces will close soon and we would spend more and more time inside. But there is hope even in gloomy weather. Christmas is approaching and that’s a time of year that many of us enjoy.

  4 Responses to “Summer is over”

  1. Bad news (or not!) from here: blue sky without a cloud, just few degrees less than the hottest days of August. Summer is still around in Livorno!

  2. Yesterday, kids went back to school here near Toronto, but the weather is still warm in central Canada so I consider summer still alive and well. I call it summer until September 22 or until we have our first hard frost, whichever comes first. 😉

    By he way, I look forward to seeing what autumn and winter look like in Bucharest.

  3. I love your post! The picture really goes along with the contemplation. Not to worry, the next summer will surely come! I'm a summer person, too. Mostly because of longer days and the outdoor activities. Hope you will have a mild autumn.

  4. Maybe I spoke too soon, because the last two days were nicer than Monday and Tuesday. It was warmer and despite the prognosis there was no rain.

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