Oct 312009

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Something fun, fit for a Saturday …
I don’t know why but it’s rare to see squirrels in Bucharest’s parks. So I was surprised when I was able to spot one in Kiseleff park last week. The photograph is a bit unclear because the squirrel was moving continuously and the lighting conditions were not the best.

  4 Responses to “The surprise star”

  1. Quite good picture! I have been shooting squirrels for days, here in London, with scarce success. I am used to this, carry my bag of peanuts to endear the beasts, but they are simply restless…

  2. You caught the squirrel well in mid-leap.

  3. The squirrel is almost flying!

  4. Gee, this little fella was in a hurry! Nice action shot! (;

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