Jul 022010

Versiune în română

Since the reflection photo was such a success (6 comments! 🙂 ) I decided to post a few more pictures from Alexandru Ioan Cuza (IOR) park.

  8 Responses to “Alexandru Ioan Cuza (IOR) Park”

  1. What a beautiful place. Great shots.

  2. One can only wish that there’s a Labyrinth inside of this park, forcing to remain for a very long time. Beautiful captures. A great Sunday for you.

  3. Wow, that’s amazing. To think I grew up in that neighborhood, yet I haven’t been to this park in about 10 years. They gave it a really great face lift (but somehow the water is still green).

  4. They are building two more monumental gates on the Liviu Rebreanu sides.
    The water is green indeed, and that is partly due to the fact that the lake is not artificial, it has springs (the vehicles cleaning the streets in District 3 are actually filled with water from this lake). One can have a good image of the lake at http://wikimapia.org/#lat=44.4233599&lon=26.1559582&z=16&l=0&m=b

  5. Ah, by the way, wait until they build that Fitza Plaza mall crap next to the park (on the SW side of the park).

  6. nice park!

  7. Thanks!

  8. Very nice pictures. My parents live very close. I like the change, I hope to continue the great job they did.

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