Aug 162009

Versiune în română

Bucharest is not a city of bright colors, most of its buildings are somber affairs in different shades of grey, white or at most a pale yellow. But it seems like this building in June 11 Square is trying to remedy the situation. With its crazy colors and unusual architecture it looks like an alien has landed in the square. I was curious to find out more details, who built it, the name of the architect etc. but the buildings looks like it’s still in construction and nobody was around that could shed some light for me.

  4 Responses to “Colors”

  1. Thanks, I'll bookmark this!

  2. Hey, thank you for your comment on Sibiu Daily Photo. As you've probably guessed I'm a Brit who lived there for a while in 2007, I love your country and language and loved living there. I'll be back to visit your blog and will add you to my blogroll 🙂
    PS Do also check out my main "home" daily photo blog, Glasgow Daily Photo.

  3. Jackie, yes, I guessed that you're probably not Romanian. I like your Sibiu blog, now I keep going through the archives. I haven't been to Sibiu since 2005 – I was away for 11 years until moving back to Romania last year – but next time I'll go I will know the city already thanks to you 🙂 I'll check out Glasgow Daily Photo.

  4. WELCOME to CDPB community! I love the fun colors and funky architecture – quite unusual! Kind regards from EAGAN daily photo in Minnesota, USA

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