Nov 202009

Versiune în română

Today we finally enjoyed a sunny day, after a week of clouds and fog. It was a good opportunity to shoot new pictures, including this beautiful sunset sky.

  5 Responses to “Sunset”

  1. Great skywatch photos! Glad the sun returned! Those looks like fancy apartment buildings in the top photo!

  2. wow, it's really a beauty! ^0^
    the first one looks very modern and the 2nd, very in touch with nature…
    well, i like them both.

  3. I like the towers in the first photo and the silhouetted trees in the second. Two very different places for this beautiful sunset.

  4. The colours are amazingly beautiful. Believe it or not, the colours are very similar to a sunrise I photographed a few days ago. It must be the magic of the fog. 🙂

  5. Beautiful shots! You've capture a magical moment here. Love the colors!

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