Feb 072010

Versiune în română

It’s snowing heavily outside. There’s already a lot of snow on the ground and it’s been announced that schools will be closed tomorrow. For these reasons I decided to post a photo taken last November to remind us of a sunny time when everything was not colored in white. Not to talk about the fact that this decision spares me from going outside 🙂 So here it is for you to admire another addition to the reflection series. The apartment building that’s the subject of the reflection was built in 1936 by architect Nicolae Cucu.

  6 Responses to “Reflection series #6”

  1. Great reflective photo! Can you work from home if it's a "snow day" tomorrow in Bucharest? Every new day we're one more day closer to Spring!

  2. What, are you afraid of a little snow? (Said the old man sitting in the comfort of Florida warmth and sunshine)… Heh, heh.

    I do like this shot. Especially the way the reflection is all crinkly … there must have been just enough movement in the water …

    Enjoy your snow day!

  3. This is my favorite kind of reflection. The building looks more modern than that, honor to Nicolae Cucu. Could you translate the graffiti? Is it something about Moldova?

  4. VP: The graffiti says "Republic of Moldova feels Romanian" but it's feels in the sense of perceives, not in the sense of seems.

  5. VP: Btw the message in Romanian is "Republica Moldova simte româneste!". Simte comes from the verb "a simţi" which comes from the latin sentire, which I believe is exactly the same in Italian.

  6. another nice reflection, the water looks calm.
    this is something that i have a hard time taking shots with,
    i couldn't get a good reflection right!. ^0^

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