Feb 092010

Versiune în română

After showing you the photo of the she wolf braving the snow, here comes another animal, this time a mythical one. Now this golden dragon really seems to be jumping with joy at the sight of the snow. The dragon was guarding the entrance of a Chinese restaurant named – how else – “The Golden Dragon”. The restaurant is now closed and the building that housed it is up for sale, but the dragon’s still there.

  7 Responses to “The golden dragon”

  1. Poooooooor lonely, cold, forgotten dragon!

  2. Too funny. Every town has a Golden Dragon Chinese restaurant… I think we might have three.

  3. Any St. George around?

  4. That's a wonderful sculpture…hopefully, it will be saved and put to use somewhere else. Sorry the restaurant closed!

  5. Just goes to show, dragons tend to outlive restaurants.

  6. haha, long live the dragon! ^0^
    very nice piece for an entrance, sad to know it closed.

  7. Great little dragon!

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