Apr 172010

Versiune în română

The building in today’s photos houses one of Bucharest oldest theater companies, Bulandra Theater, founded in 1947 and named so after Lucia Sturdza-Bulandra (1873-1961), one of the leading Romanian stage actresses, which also served as the first director of the theater. Bulandra currently has two performance halls; the one in the image is called Izvor Hall. Construction of the building took place between the years 1926 to 1929 after plans by architect Ion Trajanescu and under the guidance of engineer Constantin Cihodaru. It also bears the name of “Palace of the Cultural League”. The facade is a combination of Neoromanian style with Art Deco.

  One Response to “Bulandra Theater building”

  1. Years since last I found meself in a theater – even though current days feel like living it day by day. Wishing you a wonderful Thursday.

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