Apr 092010

Versiune în română

This beautiful French house located in downtown Bucharest is known by the name of “The House of Mitza the bicyclist” because it used to belong to Maria Mihăescu (1885-1968), the first woman bicyclist of Romania. This was back in 1898 when Mitza made waves by biking down Calea Victoriei. She was a very beautiful lady with lots of admirers and supposedly lots of famous lovers. She was also the first Romanian lady to wear a bathing suit at the beach. According to wikipedia, the house in the photo was a gift from King Ferdinand of Romania, whose supposed to have been her lover. The house was built in 1910 by architect N.C. Mihăescu, had the first floor modified in 1933 and was restored again in 1985. Right now the building is in dire need of another renovation before it starts losing the beautiful details of the facade.

  5 Responses to “The Bicyclist’s House”

  1. ‘there’s something about this kind of architecture that makes you want to know more of its history.
    i like the close up shot.

  2. What a very beautiful building that is. Worth to be a gift, as it would be priceless else. What an ivitation and surely challenge to keep it “alive, throughout the turning of time”.

    Please have a wonderful start into the weekend.

  3. She must have been an interesting woman.

  4. Hi Andreea!
    Do you know the address of the building?
    I tried to search for it on Google, but all I found was that it was near the French Embassy.
    I’ll be in Bucharest this summer, doing some photoshoots and I think this would be a nice location.

  5. Alexandra: The building is on the corner of Biserica Amzei Street & Christian Tell St. It’s very close to Piaţa Amzei (which is now in renovation), also very close to Calea Victoriei.

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