Jan 142011

Versiune în română

Finally. The sun is out today after four days of depressing grey skies. I hope all weekend’s going to be sunny, same as it was last weekend when I took a stroll through Herăstrău park and shot the photos that I’m posting today.

  6 Responses to “Herăstrău Park on January afternoon”

  1. Nice winter images from nice places. Creative shot the last one!:)
    Have a nice weekend!:)

  2. Although cold looking, great shots!

  3. Ahh, my favorite place in Bucharest. I’ve only been in Herastrau in the heat of mid-summers but I can see it has its own beauty under snow too. Would love to experience it first hand. Thanks for the photos!

  4. I sure miss your photos and your postings!! I wish you’d come back to us at the City Daily Photo blog community!
    Warm regards from EAGAN daily photo

  5. I second that emotion. (Smokey Robinson)

  6. Leif, chris: Thanks guys for the nice words. Believe it or not I think about posting again every day. I just need to kick myself and actually start doing it 🙂

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