Oct 202009

Versiune în română

I’ve already showed you photographs of the Macca-Vilacrosse Covered Passage but I can’t help showing it to you once more. Actually this time I’m posting a shot of the entrance to the passage from Eugen Carada Street, across from the National Bank in the historic Lipscani district.

  5 Responses to “Return to the passage”

  1. These galleries are precious in bad weather periods, people could feel themselves somewhat outdoor. Only risk is decay, which happened to many of the Paris galleries. From the old post, yours seems fine and in pretty good shape.

  2. Mighty impressive entrance!

  3. I just went back to look at the interior and…beautiful! I can see why you'd enjoy drinking wine or coffee there talking to friends.

  4. oh i remember this from your last post.
    the entrance is stunning,esp. detailed caryatids.

  5. I like this! This gallery is just a great piece of architecture.

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