Feb 152010

Versiune în română

Continuing with the between the war architecture series. Some time ago I confessed to be a fan of this type of architecture in all its flavours and shapes (Modernist, Cubist, Bauhaus, Art Deco). Bucharest has numerous examples of it throughout the city, many of them not in good shape due to lack of adequate maintenance. Despite this, one can still discern the elegant lines and the interesting architectural solutions that were adopted. The example in today’s photograph lies on Boulevard Lascăr Catargiu, an area which developed as an upscale residential neighbourhood around 1900. The building was built in 1934-1935 by architect Remus Iliescu.

  7 Responses to “Bucharest’s between the wars architecture – Part 8”

  1. Another spectacular building! Love, love, love it. I'd especially like to see the inside of the room containing the curved window. Too bad there are none for sale 🙂

  2. love this building (and the many other art deco gems from the 30s that, in my opinion, give Bucharest its unique beauty).

    here's the other side of that building for the curious: flickr/antoaneta

  3. one more thing relating to Robert's comment. i wonder if that second floor window is original or has been renovated and was originally designed like the first floor one? it's hard to tell in this case because the fourth floor looks the same as the second so it might be part of the original design, or a similar renovation on both floors.

    i ask because i've noticed that in a lot of these buildings the owners have taken some deplorable liberties with the renovations to the exterior of their apartments, changing the original architectural details and marring the elegant balance of the design.

    doesn't seem like there's any regulation that prevents that in Bucharest (unlike in Paris where i live and where things are at the other extreme – you're not even allowed a window flower box without the approval of the building coop, lest you introduce a dissonant element to the facade).

  4. A little TLC and it will look fine. Neat building.

  5. It look quite solid after all those years, nothing that some paint can't cure. We have a few round building from about the same period, I have to take some pictures of them.

  6. Robert: When I was looking for an apartment in Bucharest I saw a few old ones whose interiors were in really great shape. Many had the original mosaics in the hallways and bathrooms and some of them had original tile stoves (unused now, because they also had central heating).

    galipette: I assumed that the second floor window is the original one, because of the match with the fourth floor. In my experience when there are changes you won't see such a pairing. There is regulation against modifying the exterior of historical buildings (without approval that is) but it's not being enforced. So it goes 🙂

  7. Nice to have a balcony! I guess you pay extra for an apartment with one?

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