Mar 282010

Versiune în română

Back to Bucharest. My journey home, a long one to begin with, ended up lasting almost two days because of the British Airways flight crew strike. It wasn’t a very bad experience as they gave us a hotel room for the night at Heathrow and covered dinner and breakfast but I was eager to get home. So I can say that I was pretty happy when I set eyes on the sign in today’s photograph even though it was a grey raining day in Bucharest.

  3 Responses to “It’s good to be home”

  1. You caught perfectly the spirit of coming home, when any kind of delay hurts.

  2. “Borta bra men hemma bast” – a Swedish expression which means, “Away is good but home is best.”

  3. The same thing happened to me years ago when United Airlines went on strike. Took me 5 days to get home from L.A.

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