Mar 292010

Versiune în română

What’s left of a Square Cat work on Şelari Street in the Old Town.

  6 Responses to “The Square Cat 3”

  1. Hmmm…looks like the square cat and his friend are slowly crumbling away…I wonder if a square cat has any special significance there…

  2. Símpatica pareja, no es un reclamo muy turístico, pero es un grafíti muy original, que pasa desapercibido para el que no es fotógrafo.

  3. Jacob: No special significance that I know of. I think in the beginning it was just a character and later it became the artist’s signature.

  4. Original but not everlasting!

  5. Cute, creative, comic creatures!

  6. I love the style of the cat and its human companion

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