Jun 102010

Versiune în română

The Bookfest International Book Fair is taking place these days at Romexpo Exhibition Center. Already at its fifth edition the fair is a good occasion to stock up on books as most publishing houses offer discounts of 5% up to 20 %. Going on until the 13th of June. There’s also plenty of events to choose from. This edition has Spain as special guest.

  6 Responses to “Bookfest 2010”

  1. Did you get those young people that dared shout at Fraud Iliescu’s introducing his new crap book and were kicked out?

  2. 🙂 No, I got there too late, but I heard people talking about it.

  3. Ursula Le Guin for 5 lei – a bargain!

  4. Looks like fun to browse through all those books!

  5. Some of my favorite SF authors in the second picture, but I have some troubles with the titles…

  6. i could stay there for hours. ^0^
    i was zooming in on the books.

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