Jun 112010

Versiune în română

Today’s photo shows the first floor balcony of Dacia Palace, built in 1874. Too bad nothing’s being done to restore this beautiful building.

  6 Responses to “Two lions”

  1. A truly beautiful shot. As you said it is sad to see it that way.

  2. Thank you for this lesson of photography. A beautiful picture indeed. Maybe the right people in charge will see it as well and change it. Please have a wonderful start into the weekend.

  3. Despite not the best condition of this building, still can see the beautiful details.

  4. I like this kind of balcony and I can remember a similar one here, which is luckily in (slightly) better conditions.

  5. Nice lions. I am not sure that I would want to stand on that balcony

  6. Zoom on the picture and you will see the bottom part of the lion decorated balcony support has been (sort of) recently repainted (if not replasetered). Other than that, someone lives up there, if you look through the small columns of the balcony, you will see an AC evacuator pipe.

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