Jul 282011

Versiune în română

And since I mentioned Cocor Shopping Center yesterday, here’s a nightshot of it and its huge advertising screens.

  5 Responses to “Cocor Shopping Center”

  1. That’s one huge advertising screen! Colorful night photo, Andreea!

  2. So glad to see you blogging again! I was surprised when all of a sudden I saw your posts again in Google Reader 🙂 Send my best to Cris!

  3. Thanks Robert. Are you back in BA? (btw, there used to be a daily photo blog about BA which I really enjoyed, but it hasn’t been updated in a while): http://www.buenosairesperception.blogspot.com/

  4. Great glaring colours.

  5. Yep, back in BA. Seems like I can’t stay away for long! Glad you reminded me of that photoblog… I remember it from long ago. Wonder what happened to them. Hope things are going well for you both! Saludos!

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