Nov 302009

Versiune în română

Today’s photo shows a close-up of an outside mural that belongs to a beautiful house I spotted on one of my Sunday strolls. According to one source I found on the web (in Romanian), painting murals on the outside of houses was a fashion imported from Italy, present in Bucharest between the years 1905-1915. The house is on Take Ionescu Street, close to Lahovari Square.

  4 Responses to “Murals”

  1. A very ornate house, quite Italian in the wiring… I haven't seen many houses with these murals here, but I can remember at least one, more simple but similar in the type of drawings.
    Nice to know that I have company in my Sunday walks!

  2. Elegant!

    I must admit your blog has opened my eyes. I had the wrong impression of Romania, thinking it was an extremely poor European country with rundown farms and children dying in orphanages. I guess some of that may be true but certainly not the "whole picture."

    How interesting that there was a fashion to paint murals on the sides of houses. The's a fad here now to paint mura;s on blank walls of business buildings.

  3. Vogon Poet: There aren't many examples like this one left in Bucharest either. Sunday is best to walk the city, there's fewer cars (on the roads and parked everywhere), more people in the parks, museums are open and I have more spare time.

    Stine: Glad to contribute 🙂 You are correct, some of what you believed is true and some are exaggerations and there's more to Romania than what is visible in the news.

  4. That is a beautiful house! Great details!
    Stine has made an interesting point. People's views are dominated by clichés and half-truths. Good that we bloggers can make a difference!

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