Dec 192009

Versiune în română

As I said in one of my previous posts, I’m a sucker for reflection photos. I believe that in photography reflections can bring out amazing effects and make us look at things through a different perspective. So here is another one of my tries at getting a nice reflection photo. This one was taken in downtown Bucharest and it shows the tower of the modernist Adriatica office building (1936) reflected at sunset in the Novotel Hotel.

  4 Responses to “Reflection series #4”

  1. Oh boy, I like this very much! I'd like to see the Adriatic building by itself some time. You are right about reflections – they force you to look more closely at the object and see things that otherwise you might miss.

    Great job!

  2. you are not a sucker:) I like this photo a lot!

  3. Neat and elegant image with a fascinating reflection! I always like old and new together…

  4. Beautiful! Count another sucker in 🙂

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