Feb 182010

Versiune în română

Back in September I’ve posted a photo showing the facade of the Bucharest National Opera House (here). Yesterday night I got a chance to take a photo (actually, two photos) of the interior. It’s not as magnificent as other opera houses I’ve seen in my travels, but given the fact that it was built during the communist regime – whose architectural attempts focused on the practical rather than beautiful – I think it looks pretty good.

  6 Responses to “A Night at the Opera”

  1. I don't think I've ever been in an opera house. This reminds me, though, of some of the ornate motion picture theaters in the Minneapolis of my youth! Chicago had them, too.

    Thanks, Andreea, for all your wonderful comments on our blogs. I laughed when I read about the three women not being allowed in your churches! We've got all kinds of independent churches that advertise "Come as you are"!

  2. It is so beautiful and very ELEGANT!

  3. I guess you came in early before many of the people took their seats! What show did you see? Wish I were there for the show, too! I love opera – guess I'm a "culture vulture."

  4. Leif: The picture was taken about 15 minutes before the beginning of the opera; when everybody took their seats the room was almost full. I saw Carmen and it was a nice performance, I enjoyed it.

  5. i've never been to an opera house before, so i think
    this certainly looks fascinating.
    always imagine what it would feel like once you're inside.
    from your angle, you were seated on the balcony?
    looks very sophisticated, thanks for sharing! ^0^

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