May 212010

Versiune în română

Krikor Zambaccian (1889 – 1962) was a wealthy Armenian businessman and a lover of fine arts, who over the course of his life assembled a great art collection. În 1930 he asked architect C.D. Galin to design a house that will be used as living quarters as well as a museum for the art collection. In 1942 when the house was ready, Zambaccian opened his collection for public view once a week. The Zambaccian Museum was inaugurated in 1947 when Zambaccian donated his collection and the house to the Romanian state. The donation papers included the condition that the collection will remain in the house but in 1977 after the big earthquake the communist state moved the collection to the Art Collections Museum, citing imaginary concerns about the building’s structure. În 1992, after the fall of communism, the collection was returned to the house and the museum reopened. Most of the works are by Romanian artists (Nicolae Grigorescu, Ioan Andreescu, Ştefan Luchian, Jean Al. Steriadi, Gheorghe Petraşcu, Nicolae Tonitza, Nicolae Dărăscu, Theodor Pallady, Iosif Iser, Corneliu Baba, to name a few) starting with mid-19th century to the mid-20th century. There are also a few paintings by French artists like Delacroix, Renoir, Pissarro, Sisley, Cézanne etc. When I visited there were only 5 or 6 more visitors, so it feels like having the place to yourself. I can only imagine how it was to be living there.

  5 Responses to “Bucharest’s small museums: Zambaccian Museum”

  1. Nice place. What a pity that Avakian House (not very far from there), a much more beautiful property set in a different style, is not open anymore and lies in severe ruin…

  2. What a wonderful art museum! I could have spent an entire afternoon there – my wife would have pulled on my arm and said, “ok, already!” Thanks for the great tour of it, Andreea!

  3. Interesting collection. I like the statues. The paintings seem a bit cluttered, all on display in such a tiny space.

  4. What a marvelous place. Glad it survived the Communists.

  5. Reminds me of a favourite book of mine, “the museum of innocence”. Guess it must have been a very poetic life for him. Great photography. Please have a nice Saturday.

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