Feb 072010

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It’s snowing heavily outside. There’s already a lot of snow on the ground and it’s been announced that schools will be closed tomorrow. For these reasons I decided to post a photo taken last November to remind us of a sunny time when everything was not colored in white. Not to talk about the fact that this decision spares me from going outside 🙂 So here it is for you to admire another addition to the reflection series. The apartment building that’s the subject of the reflection was built in 1936 by architect Nicolae Cucu.

Dec 192009

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As I said in one of my previous posts, I’m a sucker for reflection photos. I believe that in photography reflections can bring out amazing effects and make us look at things through a different perspective. So here is another one of my tries at getting a nice reflection photo. This one was taken in downtown Bucharest and it shows the tower of the modernist Adriatica office building (1936) reflected at sunset in the Novotel Hotel.

Nov 082009

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First of all my apologies if you tried to access Bucharest Daily Photo in the morning. I’m hosting the website on a server at home and this morning we had a power outage for three hours. I hope this won’t happen too often. I have a UPS but it’s a small one and can only sustain the server for 40 minutes. Most times that’s enough but this time it wasn’t.

Back to today’s photograph. I like reflections photographs and I like to try my hand at shooting reflections every time I find some shiny surface and something nice that reflects on it. So in today’s photo you can see one of my attempts, the tower of the Bucharest Financial Plaza reflecting on the surface of the river Dâmboviţa.

Oct 222009

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In today’s picture we have the Unirea Shopping Center that I mentioned in my yesterday’s post. It was built in 1977, during the communist regime. I tried to remember when was the last time that I saw the facade of this building but I can’t remember. What I can tell you is that for a long time it’s been covered by these huge advertisement panels. And since we have no choice but to cope with this visual pollution, I thought I’ll have some fun with it and took these reflection photos. The building is reflecting in the fountains that I also mentioned yesterday, which as you can see are in dire need of a cleaning.